Seven Points of Mind Training

From Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving Kindness
By Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
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Point 6 : Disciplines of Mind Training

26: Don't ponder others.

Point Six : Don't ponder others.
Commentary :
In this slogan, "pondering others" means picking on other people's little misgivings and problems. One of the problems we have generally is that when somebody does something to us or violates our principles, we keep picking on that particular thing. We would like to get at him and make sure that person's problems are subject to attack, subject to unhealthiness. For instance, because you have labored through your tonglen practice and worked so hard, you develop tremendous arrogance. You feel as though you have gone through so much and that your effort makes you a worthy person. So when you meet somebody who has not accomplished what you have, you would like to put them down. This slogan is very simple: don't do that.
I do not think there is very much difference between this slogan and the preceding one; they are basically saying the same thing. Both slogans are very simple and direct. All the slogans are points which come to you - not particularly traffic signs but reminders. And each time a particular point occurs to you, the slogans as a whole become more meaningful.